No matter

17th March 2024 Sunday's many moods were diverse, extreme and spectacular. An ordinary grey dawn commenced the day without fanfare or promise, but New England weather is nothing if not capricious! . After their breakfast, it was cat walks which were rather brief due to a chill breeze. . Mysterious Willow engages me with those … Continue reading No matter

Mixed clouds

1627/7th February 2024 It's been some time since we've had a really impressive sunrise though I was fascinated by the orange orb in this one on February 7th. . Clear blue skies are always welcome after prolonged grey periods, but I must say I do actually prefer a little bit of cloud. Which I think … Continue reading Mixed clouds

What you ask for

1542/12th May 2023 "Clouds?" "You wanted clouds?" They do say you get what you ask for. . While I don't seriously believe that a person can whisk up the weather conditions they desire, I have reevaluated my thoughts about getting what you ask for. . . Late in the afternoon I refresh the water bowls … Continue reading What you ask for