
0720/8th December 2022

Some days, it’s just all clouds!

Enthusiastically watching early cloud formations this morning rather set a trend.

Grant said he was off to Clifton Park. Did I want to go? There and back, short trip.

So I told the cats we would be back quite soon. They cast dispirited looks at me and as a chorus wailed:

“We don’t know what to believe anymore.”

6 thoughts on “Trends

  1. Every time I go out anywhere without Ollie, I tell him I am ‘Going to the shops’. He understands that, and gets on his bed to sleep while I am out. Cats appear to have less command of the English language, in my experience.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. The fact is, most cats don’t care! Or if they do they certainly wouldn’t stoop to letting you know. But my little boy Panther liked to be kept informed and always came rushing to meet me. Some animals, whatever they may be just seem to connect more closely than others. Willow brought herself into my life and there was never any question that it was me she intended to befriend. She is the cat who helped me get over losing Panther. I adore dogs too and lived with Cocker spaniels for quite a long time. We would have a dog but it would not be fair under our circumstances!

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