
0802/24th April 2022

This morning’s sky was “wavy”.

Like a soft lid being weighed down.

How different the world seems under a clear sky.

Then I asked myself, does it feel different?

Surely it should?

Previously I wrote that it is impossible not to feel happy under a clear blue sky.

Which was a rather sweeping statement.

So many factors go into the emotional makeup of a human mind.

Take music, for example.

In the afternoon I click into Amazon music and onto a selection of my favourites.

What I like one day, I may reject on another.

Why do I only listen in the afternoon?

And why am I rambling on?

The question I was really intending to ask:

Does water have a shape?

There was a movie about this in 2017, though I didn’t see it and when I posed my question on Google I soon found myself becoming overwhelmed with scientific theory.

A little heavy for a Sunday afternoon.

Or any other, for that matter.

Leaving Plato out of it and keeping it simple:

Basically, water can be puddle or pond shaped,

lake, sea or ocean-shaped.

It can assume the shape of a container.

But in any one of those there is always a certain amount of motion and it’s not the water itself that has shape.

Rivers and fountains and waterfalls.

The ducks I asked rudely refused to comment.

Wouldn’t you think a duck should have an opinion about water? “Quack” said the mallard.

“Don’t be silly” said the sparrows. “Water’s water!”

Then there’s ice.

Here’s what Google says about that:

Water is the compound.

Ice is the solid phase.

Steam is the gas phase.

Glad that’s sorted out!

One day recently I noticed all these sparkles.

So I bent to have a better look.

And that was when I wondered about the shape of water.

Because those droplets assumed their own shape, not the shape of the leaves.

You see what I mean? Well then it snowed on us and the picture changed again:

Photography suggests water has form.

So, back to Plato’s idea that water, in its purest form, assumes the shape of an icosahedron, a twenty-sided polyhedron.

The aforementioned movie interpreted the idea to mean that beauty has many faces.

The tiny corner the world that is mine presents me with a hundred beautiful images every day.

They can be as vast as the horizon and they can be found in the simplest of things.

As can the questions.

The answers are mostly complicated beyond my capacity to comprehend.

But it won’t stop me asking.

5 thoughts on “Questions

  1. You are right, Carolyn, keep on asking as it is the curiosity that makes a writer. I wrote about water, including the intelligence of water and if water can have the memory.


  2. I would recommend watching ‘The Shape of Water’. It is a touching love story fantasy with a wonderful central performance from British actress Sally Hawkins. I really enjoyed it.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  3. I watched the movie “The Way” a couple of times … it’s about walking the Camino in Spain (of course). One of the characters had a deep philosophical conversation about why a dog was running around a hay stack and then one of the other characters said: “Isn’t it maybe just what it is, a dog running around a hay stack?”.
    I try not to complicate things too much (the complete opposite than my husband – he’s asking a LOT of questions) … for me, things are just what it is. Though, it surely does not hurt anyone to ask the questions (except maybe your head, as Peter mentioned šŸ˜).
    My observation on this post? You have some amazing photo’s and I just had to look at them more than once!

    1. It often makes my head hurt too. My father always sought answers for everything, so maybe I take after him. Unlike him, though, if the answer is elusive, I let it go.

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