Sunday surprises

0750/15th August 2021

The Cambridge balloon festival takes place in the Spring, but has been cancelled for the past two years, so it was a surprise this morning, when this one drifted into view.

Going outside to snap a picture, I heard the “whoosh, whoosh” of the burner as the balloon descended to land behind the hill opposite.

Two minutes later, a mini-bus drove off, presumably with the passengers. A dawn cruise, no doubt. They certainly picked the right day.

Now I wonder if there will be a sunset “cruise”.


Having noticed this unusual sight (we have no idea of it’s provenance), next I saw we had a visitor behind the house, taking breakfast apples, which he seemed to enjoy:

What a very handsome chap. He seems to be shedding, a sign that his winter coat will soon grow in.


Not quite a surprise, but I was glad to see that the rose of Sharon bud had successfully bloomed.

The buds of all the other shrubs were eaten, presumably by deer, though I’m sure not by my little friend above!.

Meandering outside, calling for Toby who’d gone for an unauthorized walk-a-bout, I took a picture of my solitary zinnia, down the bank out of sight with some of the wildflowers I managed to grow.

My *hapharzard gardening also managed to produce a few very delicate blooms:

According to PlantNet: Clarkia. A little like Sweet peas, but even more fragile.

Mine, sadly, is really not the garden for anything remotely delicate!


Though there’s a place in this world for everything. Even tussock moth caterpillars.

They are apparently into group movement. They are massing under this leaf preparing to shred it, like those……………


Good job the milkweed grew out of control this year! (It’s the sole source of food for Monarch caterpillars.)

Little Clarkia lives in the same bed as Impatiens. What I planted was Camellias. No sign of those!

And this came as a total surprise!

*Not haphazard, “surprise” gardening!

Furthermore, it comes in pale pink, pink, dark pink, salmon and white.

On this day, pale pink was the favoured colour:

She was a very busy bee
So she didn't notice me.

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