As the World turns…

As if on queue, as the sun broke the horizon, I heard the call of geese:

It was rather a challenge, rotating my lens from the horizon to the sky above and attempting first to locate the flock and then get them in focus!


Meanwhile the House Sparrows continue to sit in the hedge, muttering:

"We be 'ouse Sparrows, missus. Da means us'n shud be in da 'ouse, na freezing out yar!"

Why would they speak with such an “accent”? It’s just the way they seem to glare at us.


We have some new visitors at the feeders:

Tiny Pine siskins. Grant had placed the feeders high up, to shelter them under the roof, making it a bit difficult for me to see. He’s 6 ft 3. I’m not. Just getting the seed up there was awkward, but I was delighted to note that the siskins were quite unafraid . I love talking to birds and they seemed to listen. A good thing/bad thing, I guess.

Today Grant put the feeders back on long hooks, pending the arrival of bad weather!

The siskins are very accommodating, happily sharing with the stroppy house sparrows:

This morning, with the ground less frigid, I threw some seed down and it was like a football scrum. Not that I’m an expert on such things, but I imagine the chaos is similar.


So much for putting the clock back. Having believed Friday to be Saturday, I efficiently took care of re-programming the kitchen clocks early last night and then realized I had advanced them, knowing full well I’d meant to do the reverse.


Then I was up early anyway. Having greeted last night’s Silver Orb:

…it seemed appropriate to greet the return of the Golden Orb:

As I came back in, Grant told me deer had arrived in the field. Not that I could see them:

How about this for a jigsaw puzzle?

They blended in so well, all I could do was point in what I thought was their general direction and click.

There were 5 in all. So nice to have our little family re-assembled.

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