
27th November 2021

No sooner did I publish yesterday’s post, than this little chap showed up.

Not for nothing he’s known as the snowbird.

Saucy little fellow.

He brought his lady wife along and several of his pals.

And it promptly started snowing.

No drama, no high wind. Just a steady fall that changed the landscape overnight.

The world was blue-black and white, till sunrise.

Which changed the whole complexion of things.

We started our day backwards…

Because, seeing the bushes full of snow,

wildlife breakfast seemed more important than the cat’s!

Clearing a few branches…

and digging out the feeders, I laid down their feast.

The woodpeckers have their own feeders, of course. There are two which contain the same suet cakes. But for some reason they prefer this feeder and they are not good at sharing.

One can only do so much.

Eventually, cats and humans got their grub.

Then it was time for the daily outing…

Lily took one look and went back in but Toby loitered as Sikkim marched right out.

She’s Queen of the High Himalayas, after all.

“Well, maybe”……………… ……..”Nah, I don’t think so”

Even Sikkim was not impressed and soon returned.

Meanwhile the look on Dee Dee’s face said it all:

You arranged this!”

But I was busy watching the light

and capturing the magic.

5 thoughts on “Magic

  1. Thanks for sharing the snow pics, I find I miss real winters. Where I live in AZ at 5300 feet elevation we get some snow in midwinter but nothing like what you in northern NY see.

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