NYC story for today

0644/25th November 2021

What should I write about on this day of thanks in these United States? Thanksgiving, from what I gather, is regarded maybe as the most precious of all holidays in this country.

Having not grownup with it, to me it never was and in all the years I have lived here, I have never warmed to it, for a lot of reasons that are irrelevant.

Forgive me. I’m just being honest. But here’s my idea of what it is really all about:

My friend Tim is spending his day helping to distribute Thanksgiving dinner to 10,000 people in New York City. This is a major undertaking which happens annually, but the work goes on 365 days a year:

 God's Love We Deliver :

With the help of 17,000 volunteers each year, we cook and home-deliver medically tailored meals for people living with severe illness. We are a non-sectarian organization, and all of our services are provided free to clients and full of love.

The mission of God’s Love We Deliver is to improve the health and well-being of men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses by alleviating hunger and malnutrition. We prepare and deliver nutritious, high-quality meals to people who, because of their illness, are unable to provide or prepare meals for themselves. We also provide illness-specific nutrition education and counseling to our clients, families, care providers and other service organizations.All of our services are provided free of charge without regard to income.

These people do incredibly good work. The volunteers are an inspiration. They have kept going throughout these difficult times and remain unfailingly positive and cheerful.

Clearly, this is a team one would be proud to be part of. The organization runs like a well-oiled machine.

God’s Love We Deliver does not require you to be of religious inclination. Tim is not. He just has a kind and charitable heart and he loves to help people.

You can find them on Facebook or just search for them online. The smiles will give you a lift.

These are the human stories that should be broadcast far and wide. There are so many good people doing great, unselfish work that are never acknowledged. They would no doubt say they don’t need acknowledgment but I, for one am uplifted when I hear of their efforts.

So I give thanks to them, in my heart.

Today I have a small post script: It has become a strange habit in recent years that when a favourite author has a book due to be published, I get carried away with enthusiasm, or something, I’m not sure what. Suffice it to say, I end up with extra books.

So, if there are any Outlander fans reading this who do not yet have claim to the new Diana Gabaldon “Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone”…I have 2 extra copies that I will be happy to let you have.

6 thoughts on “NYC story for today

  1. I am not religious, but have great respect for anyone who gives up their time to feed poor and homeless people on a public holiday. We have something similar here called ‘Crisis at Christmas’. Poeple spend their own Christmas Day looking after others. They serve meals, give clothing, and offer medical help to the homeless and those on the fringes of society.
    Well done to them. That is the essence of Christian belief.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Since we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in SA, I’m not quite sure what it’s all about … but giving thanks for someone like Tim and the God’s Love We Deliver organisation sounds pretty much in order to me! That is such an amazing act of kindness and caring for others đź’Ś.

  3. Yes, that’s what it should be. Thanksgiving is all about the pilgrims getting food from the native Americans to help them through the cold winter…something of that sort. Mostly now it’s a big family get together with turkey and everything else you can think of. Macy’s Day parade in NYC with big floats and marching band (not sure what’s happened to that now) and football I think. Lots of noise anyway and beginning of the Christmas season…shopping etc etc. It gets on my nerves!

  4. A lovely post Carolyn, and I join you in thanking all those unsung people (they would never describe themselves as heroes) who quietly help others less fortunate than themselves, no matter what day it is or whatever the reason for their misfortune.

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