
0540/6th May 2022

Something woke me with a start yesterday morning, so I jumped out of bed and lifted a blind.

A promising start to what quickly became an indifferent and gray day. The Sun tried hard, but could not quite dispel the gray.

Yet the day was not all gloom.

Jim Jim squirrel came to stare at us through the window while we took breakfast:

“Nuts?” he asked

But he could see I was playing Wordle again, so he took matters into his own, um, paws…

Jim Jim has clearly been watching Little Red who at a fraction of Jim’s size, has no problem with this maneuver.

“What?! He’s poaching on my territory?”


To gain access, Little Red shins up the porch post, jumps onto the nyjer dispenser, then hops into the feeder. For such a tiny creature it is no problem.

Jim Jim usually slides back down the pole, defeated by his own weight. This day though, he didn’t hesitate and leapt for the njyer feeder before gravity kicked in.

There he swung for a minute, I think as surprised as I was, then he easily jumped into the feeder and tucked in as he rocked madly back and forth.

Jim had earned his meal, so we left him to it. When he was done, he used Red’s amazing disembarkation technique. They simply launch themselves off, some 10 feet to the grass.

The feeders are supposed to be for our feathered friends and there is no shortage of them.

It’s a little hard these days, keeping track of who is who because so many of the lady birds are shades of brown.

What with my eyesight being totally squiffy, and all these brown stripes…

This one is a sparrow, house variety, I think

Mrs Finch is easy to identify because the Finches are a loving couple and they turn up together.

Unlike poor Mrs Cowbird who seems to take a lot of abuse. But she is just brown, no stripes:

See what I mean? Stripes.

But what big feet!

Not the best photograph, but these two are a couple.

She, with her brown stripes and rusty chin is

Mrs Red-winged Blackbird.

Which is why Junior looks like this.

“Did you just take my picture?”

Now wait a minute…who’s she?

Actually, she belongs with this grand chap.

Mr and Mrs Rose-breasted Grosbeak

What does their child look like? I can’t remember. I think there will be more confusion.

It’s always such fun when the young birds fledge and we see them chasing their mothers to be fed. I’m not entirely sure the mothers recognize their own. There are so many open beaks pleading and pestering. I think mums just shove seeds in the nearest beak and make a break for it.

Here’s a brown and white striped bird I have no trouble identifying:

Male and female are alike, conveniently!

Thrasher is a very busy bird and always looks immaculate!

So, in spite of the grey sky, there was a little colour and as the sun descended once more to the horizon, I was surprised to see the familiar fingers of cloud from the other day:

9 thoughts on “Feeders

  1. Oh my … the colours on those first couple of photos … stunning! Jim Jim is quite the acrobat, hanging on to those feeders! So many great pictures in your post today Carolyn – the close ups (is that Little Red’s face?) – you can surely win an award with those two!

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