Drab she said

1425/26th March 2022

Very few things are guaranteed in life but one is certain:

If you don’t like the weather in this part of the world, just wait five minutes.

“Drab?” Said Mother Nature. “Colourless?”

“Watch this…”

By early afternoon the clouds had broken up:

Clearly, I needed to pay attention as the day progressed:

Low clouds were chased about

and sun breaks bathed the hills.

As the day drew in, the clouds seemed to boil:

So low, I felt I could reach up and touch them.

dark and threatening but also benevolent.

It’s not hard to understand why people become obsessed with chasing storms!

In and out I went a dozen times.

Then Grant looked out a rear window:

“You must see the sky out here!”

Back out I went…

the Sun was sinking fast behind the hills

but still its golden light was shining through

each moment brighter than the last

setting trees aflame

It was growing dark

As a distant glowing cloud appeared I bade it goodnight

though the dark blue light called me again

and hail bucketed down briefly

Oh! Oh my!

almost as if the Sun was setting to the east

“How’s that for ‘drab’?” asked Mother Nature.

5 thoughts on “Drab she said

  1. After being excited about the ‘early summer’ here, I have just seen a forecast for snow showers by Thursday, a maximum of 4C, and sleet. I should have known winter wasn’t finished yet!
    Best wishes, Pete.

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