
0646/15th March 2022

Doctors slam influencers for ingesting fish tank cleaner to fight aging

New York Post headline

Well I am certainly glad to have been told that.

It is downright scary to realize how stupid people have become. My phone streams these headlines all day. I seldom pay attention but this one I had to check out.

“Influencers” have been sticking the stuff (an anti-fungal dye) on their tongues, as a “cognitive and metabolic enhancer” and, quote:

“OMG! It slows down your chain of aging!”

Well yes, it would, if you die from it.

As some have.

When did people become so gullible?

It’s no wonder the world is such a mess.

But I must abandon that topic before I become maudlin.

“He’s mine!”

Sasha glares at Sikkim

who is also in love with the Cat Man.

“The Sphinx was modeled after me”.

She is a cat with serious attitude.

Sasha is one of the “walkers”

This day, Grant had to fetch her back

She followed him, somewhat reluctantly…

…then she had a change of heart…

“I’ve got unfinished business” she said…

…but Grant’s legs are longer, so she got scooped up.

Meanwhile Toby was exploring the field

and came back to sit on the stones

where the groundhog burrow is:

We haven’t seen it again, since the other day, but it left tracks.

When we rushed Sikkim off to the vet last week we hoped it would not start another trend.

But with multi-cats, maybe it’s too much to ask

Soon we noticed something was up with Lucy,

so she went off to the vet as well, to spend a day being hydrated and medicated….

She’s a wiggler and not at all pleased but she is very forgiving at least…

Blackie overheard us talking about some “bumps” we decided to get checked out.

What?” she said. “Oh no!”

She has to have them removed.

(Lumps in cats tend to be cancerous)

Next week, Lily, Lucy, Sasha and Penny go for their annual shots and check ups..

How to blow a tax return in one fell swoop.

“I’m convalescing, I can’t possibly go!”

6 thoughts on “Trending…

  1. You must be very popular with your Vet. Bad enough for me with one dog, but all those cats…’Kerching!’
    I hope the groundhog doesn’t get attacked.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Toby is quite the adventurer … I can’t believe how easily he is wandering around in the cold snow! Your vet bill must be quite high … maybe you should put your cats on a medical aid (can’t remember now – do you call it a medical insurance?) … but then, on the other hand, what good are they (as you have proven multiple times)? If it’s not working for humans, how on earth will it work for animals …
    That headline in the New York Post – really, I can only shake my head!

  3. One can buy insurance for pets but the cost is prohibitive…surprise! Most of the cats are getting on in years but when I took them in I agreed to be responsible for them and that was always going to be till the end. Toby doesn’t seem to be worried about snow!

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