Wednesday thanks

Thanksgiving? OK, we’ll be off now.

Here’s something to be thankful for: Water.

Not having much in the way of water pictures, given that I am a landlubber these days, I’ll decorate with random other images…

What do you know! This is Lake Cooper, WA.

Anyway, Water. I am grateful for water.

It is so taken for granted.

In my world, in much of the world, it is readily available.

At taps. Many of us think nothing of drinking tap water.

One of the many things I learned in Cambodia was that it isn’t universally safe to drink from a tap.

Additionally, I discovered, water was not necessarily available from the tap.

The house we occupied had a water tank.

Periodically, Mum would take a look inside and when the level was low she would ask our helper, Sai See to arrange for “two l’eau, temelaya”, which was understood to mean: “two barrels of water, tomorrow.” They spoke Khmero/Franco/Chino-English. It was fascinating to hear.

In due course, a lad would show up with the water in two big drums, loaded on a cart and he would fill up the tank. Presumably the water came from the Mekong. We had to boil it and keep bottles of it in the fridge. (Empy gin bottles, I recall!)

Still, this was not a great inconvenience.

It took a few trips to the boondocks to begin to appreciate the importance of water availability.

This was one of the Unesco sponsored villages.

They were fortunate to have a well.

Water still had to be hauled up and carried home,

but at least they didn’t have to walk to the river.

Back when this picture was taken, bottled water was not widely available and somehow my parents never thought to bring a bottle from home.

There were times when I thought I would die of thirst.

Of course that was never going to happen.

But it made me appreciate deeply the need for water.

Many years later, during my ill-advised camping trip to Sudan, I witnessed the true hardship of having to spend so many hours simply obtaining the water needed to keep body and soul together.

Can you imagine spending hours of your day walking to a water source and then returning carrying such a weight?

We take so many things for granted.


Sometime early this century, I saw a completely different aspect of water.

Up to 70% of the human body consists of water. Coincidentally, 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. 96.5% of this is saltwater, only 1.7% is groundwater, 1.7% is in glaciers and ice caps (fast melting into the sea) and the rest is cloud, vapor and precipitation.

As Leonardo da Vinci said “Water is the driving force of Nature”. We don’t live long without it.

While it is said that Dr Masaru Emoto’s experiements with water crystals were insufficiently explored and his photographs very carefully selected, I found his book quite fascinating.

Dr Emoto believed that human consciousness affected the molecular structure of water.

Using high-speed photography he captured images of crystals formed in frozen water.

Water from clear springs and water that had been exposed to loving words produced brilliant, complex and colourful snowflake patterns.

Whereas water exposed to negative thoughts produced crystals that were incomplete and asymmetrical with dull colours.

As we are 70% water, the implication is that positive thought could greatly impact the earth and our personal health.

Here are some of the crystal images :

Tap water that has been treated.

Not looking so good?

Here are some images that are available on the site:

Dr Emoto was a doctor of alternative medicine which is something I am increasingly interested in.

There is value in the power of positive thinking, for sure, and I like the implications of Dr Emoto’s work, but it has been dismissed as “pseudoscience”, “some people wanting to believe strange things”.

Still, it cannot be wrong to want to purify our water sources and I, for one, will never take for granted that I can bathe regularly, wash my hair, launder my clothes and drink deeply any time I feel the need for a glass of water.

And I am eternally grateful that I don’t have to walk to a river to fetch it.


Happy Thanksgiving!

5 thoughts on “Wednesday thanks

  1. Such a wonderful Thanksgiving post!!
    The way people keep wasting water, it wouldn’t be surprising that one day instead of tap, drinking water will be available only in bottles.

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