
Bird’s foot trefoil

A few days ago Lawn Man turned up suddenly and went whizzing around. I was quite pleased he hadn’t come the week before as scheduled, because with the extended dry weather, my so-called lawn had mostly curled up and died. I had been wondering if Lawn Man would come anyway offering the excuse that he thought I watered my “lawn”. However this is the country and maybe people don’t do that here.

Maybe people don’t do that anywhere anymore? Except golf greens? It’s not something I need to find out, as I don’t plan to start watering the grass. It recovers perfectly well after a few heavy downpours and while we do have long dry periods, we also have no shortage of impressive thunderstorms.

Although, the patch in front of my porch takes it’s time to recover. It has all day sun, so I suppose it gets scorched.

Never-the-less, those yellow flowers thrived.

And that SAVAGE mowed them down!

How could one be so brutal? If it had been a patch of orchids, would he have mowed right over them? Roses, would they have been subjected to such careless shredding?

It’s discrimination against weeds.

To be fair, he probably wasn’t quite that casual about it. He rides a big machine, wearing goggles to protect his eyes and I daresay he didn’t even notice as he rolled over the noble little blooms.

Also, I never communicate with Lawn Man. Don’t know what he looks like. He mows, the office bills, I pay. That’s it. In Winter, grass turns to snow. So, when he turned up I should have gone out and asked him to steer around that little patch I’d developed a fondness for.

And not to worry, I see they are already growing back, valiant little flowers!

Meanwhile, during my 5 minute garden tour this morning, I discovered to my delight that the forget-me-nots have survived and one seed apparently fell beside my front door.

I had feared they were gone, as last year, I thought they bloomed much sooner. I do love this particular flower. It’s blue and it’s delicate and I love it’s message.

My garden inspection also takes me to view the nightly decimation of my wallflowers and wild pansies by:

The little hogs

They apparently don’t come round to the back patio.

Perhaps some of the stalks may re-grow, in a different bed. 🙂

My experience with wallflowers is that they are very determined. They don’t give up easily. If the hogs don’t get them, there are actually some buds on the remaining stalks.

Fortunately the hogs don’t seem to care for:

The Hollyhock I bought in the Spring appealed to some leaf-eating creature, identity unknown. I am hoping it may still bloom, regardless, as it too has buds.

Yellow flowers seem to do best!

Later on I ventured outside again, braving the heat and attacks by flying creatures…

During the Winter, the hillside had become practically bare, but now:

Dwarf honeysuckle grows everywhere and it is now covered with red berries. A few weeks ago I noticed a vine-like plant and identified it as a wine grape. I pulled some of it off one of the big trees and haven’t really thought of it since. Last year it didn’t seem to grow that much.

This year….holy cow! It’s all over the place, covering bushes and trees halfway up the hill. The hill is not actually my property and maybe, as Grant always says, Nature takes care of itself, but I’m wondering if I should mention it to my neighbor who lives up there.

Of course, it’s the wildlife I worry about. I don’t want their habitat messed up:

White-tailed deer in cornfield below my property.

4 thoughts on “Decimation!

  1. Enjoyed your blog and understand your frustration with the mowing monster and all the bugs that eat other of your plants!

  2. I have noticed this year the same that EVERYTHING is growing very lushy. I assume it´s because of mild winter we had in Finland. You have beautiful flowers in your garden Yeti! Have a great weekend and take care!

  3. Too bad about the patch of pretty yellow flowers. Maybe if they are not killed out, they could be dug up and planted someplace safer. Yellow flowers are my favorites.

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