Sunshine House

There was a surreal moment, the other day, after the snow, when I had to race outside. My usual camera had a dead battery, so I grabbed the old Nikon Coolpix. The moment required a great deal more skill than I possess.

It had snowed throughout the night, with an impressive accumulation, given that it was May 9th. Then, as the sun rose, the snow melted quite rapidly away. But that was a tease. In the afternoon, I heard a sudden sound and looked out to see hail pouring from the sky. Winter was persisting.

The light show came as darkness gathered, preparing to envelope us. I keep an eye on the hill opposite because it always catches the last of the day’s light.

That day, Saturday, was nothing short of astonishing.

It was hailing, again, but a dazzling ray of sun was piercing the cloud above that hill.

“Snow bow!”, I thought.

Without waiting to grab a jacket, I seized the tiny Nikon, and charged outside.

There has to have been a snow bow somewhere.

Probably, it was right over my head.

It was dark, where I stood, shivering.

Yet there was this swath of silvery-gold light, anointing the trees at the bottom of my hill and beyond my property.

Methinks I shall call this the Sunshine House.

It seems always to bathe in sunlight, even on days when almost none can be seen.

The sky behind was indeed that dark.

One thought on “Sunshine House

  1. No matter the season or the weather, you have beautiful scenes that surround you.

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